GoSH 203


Identify the terms clued in each pic below and guess the song


The correct answers is “Chookar mere man ko kiya tu ne kyaa ishaaraa” from “Yaarana” Here’s the clip.

The puzzle was loaded 158 times and we got 60 submissions including 1 duplicate. Two people got it wrong.

Here are the smart folks who got it correct..

TOP 20

Ramki Krishnan (1st, Chennai)

Vinay Singad (2nd, ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು)

Priya Shyam (3rd, Bahrain)

Ratna Rao (Mumbai)

Mona Sogal (Bangalore)

Mukund Jagannathan (India)

Rajith (Bangalore)

Priya Sethuraman (Bahrain)

Amit Chaudhry (Manama)

Ratnakumar v (Trichy)

Magi (Dxb)

Rajee Gurumurthy (Bangalore)

Anu (Bahrain)

Hindi bhi aathaa (Bagireen)

Kalilur Rahman (Hyderabad)

Deepa N (Bengaluru)

Sibani Mishra (Mumbai)

Lakshmi Prakash (Bengaluru)

Vivekanand RAIZADA (INDORE) and

Sreelakshmi (Calicut)

OTHERS Lakshmi, Aashwina, Shaunak Shah, Savithri Rajesh, Gayathri, Raj, Mahesh Vishnu, Leena, Nisha Rangarajan, Vijay Bisani, Harish TK, Sid watwe, Nitin Deshpande, Manav, PRIYA PRAKASH, Tulika Das, Supriya Narayanan, Mathangi, Smita Embar, K. THIRUNARAYANAN, Sudha Bhaskaran, Debasmita Basu, Sri Grandhi, Venkatraghavan S., Hemanth Kumar, Piyush, Sachin Salunke, Meera, Sowps, Geeta, Ramakrishna, Sanjay Fuloria, Priya Balasubramaniam, Supriya Mithal, Sapan, Mahe and Yash Hope you enjoyed the puzzle. Congrats to all who played and see you with a new GoSH puzzle next Saturday at 5PM (India)

NOTE: GoSH puzzles are published weekly on Saturdays at 2:30PM (Bahrain) and results announced on Sundays.

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