

Here are puzzles by other setters (some of these have been jointly set by two  setters or they are community grids)

1ACross is happy to present "Room at the Top", from "Hasslethymi", exclusively for our solvers. Answers can be submitted by ...
1ACross is happy to present "Newsround", from "Hasslethymi", exclusively for our solvers. Answers can be submitted by anyone who wishes ...
1ACross is happy to present with "The Devil in the Detail", from "Avtaar", exclusively for our solvers. Answers can be ...
1ACross is happy to present "Letters to The Listener", from "Hasslethymi", exclusively for our solvers. PLEASE REMEMBER TO SAVE, TO ...
1ACross is happy to present "Bookworms", the latest offering from "PunDits", exclusively for our readers. The online interactive version can ...
1ACross is happy to present "Manpasand", the latest offering from "Avatar", exclusively for our readers. The online interactive version can ...
1ACross is happy to present "Cracker", the latest offering from "Teezer", exclusively for our readers. The online interactive version can ...
1ACross is happy to present "The Secret of the Naga's Arm", a challenging puzzle from "Hasslethymi", exclusively for our readers ...
1ACross and elmith are happy to present "Animal Crackers", an exclusive grid for our members and readers. The online interactive ...
TOIL Absque labore nihil by Uma and Brian 1. Fringe novel edges around East Las Vegas (8) 2. Giant Jobs ...
