GoSH 145


Identify the terms clued in each pic below and guess the song

Bonus Question: Which of these movies featured this song? A. Padosan B. Paying Guest C. Pyaasa
The correct answer is “Chod do aachal zamana kya kahega” from the movie “Paying Guest” Here’s the clip.

Here’s the explanation

Chod do – Pic 1 – Cho + D + Two (Do)

Aanchal – Pic 2 – Shaan – Sh +Chal

Zamaana – Pic 3 – Jam + Anna (from Frozen)

Kya Kahega – Pic 4 – Image of a person wondering what others will say

Solution to Bonus Question: B. Paying Guest

We had a decent response with 58 submissions. After eliminating 5 duplicates, we had 52 solvers who got both the song and bonus correct. 1 person missed the bonus question.

Here are the toppers..

TOP 10

Ramki Krishnan (1st, Chennai) – 38th time at #1

Priya Shyam (2nd, Bahrain)

Arvind Ramaswamy (3rd, Pune)

Priya Sethu (Bahrain)

Ratna Rao (Mumbai)

Nilesh Parmar (Mumbai)

Gayathri (Bahrain)

V Ratnakumsr (TRICHY)

Sania Narulkar (MUMBAI)

Samit Kallianpur (Secunderabad)

OTHERS who got both the song and bonus correct

Ashwin Bhandarkar, Aashwina, Priya Balasubramaniam, Ashit Hegde, Nisha Rangarajan, Anita, Mathangi, Anita Hariharan, Juhi Saklani, Shaunak Shah, Maya, Harini Mukundh, Savithri Rajesh, Usha Ramesh, Anu, Geetha Ramaprasad, Lakshmi Prakash, Ramakrishna, Abhinav Dasgupta, Zulfikar ali, Rajee Gurumurthy, MJ, Magi, Aparna Menon, Meera, Sudha Bhaskaran, Aishwarya Kumar, Supriya Mithal, Manjunath Gawade, Nandini Ganesh, Suyash Roongta, Jambajaar Jaggu, Mona Sogal, Anjana, Guha Srivatsa, Loks Subrahmanyam, Supriya Narayanan, Mohit Bhalla, Ashok Bash, Nitin Deshpande, Seethala and Shilpa Srikanth

THe following got the song correct but missed the Bonus question.

Sandhya Paruchuri

Congrats to all who played and see you with a new GoSH puzzle next Saturday at 5PM (India)

NOTE: GoSH puzzles are published weekly on Saturdays at 2:30PM (Bahrain) and results announced on Sundays.

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