
Stats – We had a decent response to the grid with 29 submissions, exactly the same number as last time. Of those who submitted, all 29 managed to complete the grid with zero errors but only 2 got the maximum possible score of 158.

Here’s the completed grid.

The solvers had to answer the following questions after solving the grid:

(1) Significance of the byline?
(2) What in the grid symbolically represents the title?
(3) Can you come up with your own Addagram – The longer the number of words in your list, more the points?

The correct answers are

(1) Anagram of extra / missing letters in the 15 Non-Addagram clues (1,4,11,23,25,26,28,32A, 10, 12, 14, 24, 30, 32D))
(2) The Plus Symbols In The Centre
(3) The average number of words was 9. The longest were two 13 word addagrams. One was by Keith Williams EAR, RATE, HEART, ANTHER, TRANCHE, SNATCHER, ANCHORETS, ANTECHOIRS, ORCHESTRINA, CHIROPTERANS, TERPSICHOREAN, NARCOTHERAPIES and PARTHENOCARPIES
and a second one by Venkatraghavan

What more can I say, but WOW.

You can access the Grid with solutions Here – Clicking Reveal ALL will show you the solutions and Annotations.

Here is the scorecard (sorted by total). As can be seen here, all the solvers who submitted got perfect scores on the grid. Well done indeed. Most people didn’t get the answer to the Bonus Qn1. The maximum score was secured by the two solvers who had come up with the longest addagrams. Congrats to Keith and Venkatraghavan who managed to max the score.

Grid Rating: The puzzle got a  good score of 8.1 and got 5 perfect 10s.

Top 3 Clues:  The most favorite clues were “Snowman” which got 10 votes and “Outcome”  and “Mitosis” which got 8 votes each.

Hope you enjoyed this interesting puzzle by our youngest setter. Thanks to “Unstoppable Kums” for all the fun. Did you like the puzzle? Do you have any feedback for us or for the setter. Do comment in the blog and let us know.

By Sowmya

Sowmya is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and independent financial consultant based in the Middle East (Bahrain). She is a puzzle editor at Amuselabs. She has set over 1,300 crosswords for various publications including over 1000 mini crosswords, cryptic crosswords (under the pseudonym Hypatia for The Hindu) and themed crosswords for Cat.a.lyst (part of The Hindu Businessline). Sowmya runs the Facebook group 1Across where seasoned cruciverbalists interact while setting and solving clues. She has published three compilations of crosswords viz Cryptic Crossroads Volumes 1, 2 and 3. She Tweets cryptic clues daily @somsram

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