Gosh 81


Identify the terms clued in each pic below and guess the song


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Bonus Question: This song was from a movie based on which of these books?

A. Three Idiots B. 5 point someone C. Two States

It’s “Mast Magan” from the movie “Two States”

Here’s the clip

Here’s the explanation

Ishq Ki Dhuni Roz Jalaaye – Pic 1 – Incense stick with a heart visible in the smoke

Uthta Dhuaan Toh- Pic 2 – Rising Smoke

Kaise Chhupaaye – Pic 3 – Step 6 of “How to hide” from Wikipedia 🙂

Ho Akhiyaan Kare Jee Hazoori- Pic 4 – Book cover of “Only the eyes say YES”

Maange Hai Teri Manzoori – Pic 5 – Please approve

Solution to Bonus Question:  C. Two states

The question yesterday had been – “Identify the song using TWO WORDS only” also mentioning that these two words had NOT been clued.

Although many words are sung before the popular refrain, the song is titled and known by the refrain “Mast Magan” and that’s what I was expecting as the answer

Here are the smart folk who got the song correct and answered in two words..

TOP 10

Smita (1st, USA) – 2nd time at #1

Sagnik Sinha (2nd, Mumbai)

Priya Shyam (3rd, bahrain)

Ramki Krishnan (Chennai)

Supriya Mithal (Kanpur)

Anjana (Bahrain)

Arun Raman (Mumbai/India)

Gayathri (Bahrain)

Priya Sethu (Bahrain)

Ravi Rajagopalan (Vishakapatnam)

OTHERS who got it correct

Zulfikar Ali, Anu Ananth, Praseetha, Mahesh, Lakshmi Prakash, Anita, Rajee Gurumurthy, Pradeep Raghunathan, Ratna rao, Aparna Menon, Deepa Karthik, Vinutha, Tamil Nadu vs Maharashtra, Surabhi gupta, Bash Ashok, Nandini Ganesh, Aashwina mouli, Arvind Ramaswamy, Vidhya Ganesh, Shilpi Ranjan, Mona Sogal and Madhup Tewari

In the “Give me extra paper” brigade were the following who insisted on putting the whole song (except the two words I wanted) though they got both the song and bonus question correct

Vinay Singad, Nisha ranga, Ramya, Lv, Anandhi, Srinivas Kotamarthi, Hari kumar, Sudha Bhaskaran,

The following put “Two States” for both the song and bonus – there were Two Two states – making me wonder if that is Two States or Four States now…we will leave that for a Maths teacher to answer

Maya Sharma

Congrats to all who played and see you with a new puzzle at 2:30PM Bahrain

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